
Before you can use the go~mus Entry API you will have to register an API account with an API key. Please talk to your contact person in order to get access.

See detailed documentation on Public API for information on how to request the basic data for events, tours and tickets.


We track tickets, events and tours by using barcodes. The barcodes encode unique codes. These codes can be used track entry and exit events.

Barcodes may be encoded as Code128 or Code39. Additionally barcodes may also be encoded in 2D as a QR-Code.

Status API

The status of a barcode can be queried as follows:


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer meowmeowmeow" ""

If everything is ok and the barcode is still valid a 200 OK is returned.

Additionally the JSON may contain a message:

    "message": "Eintritte: 1"

If the barcode was already used or is for some other reason invalid then an error gets returned. The HTTP status code will be 422 Unprocessable Entity.

The JSON if an error occured:

    "error": "Barcode wurde schon eingelöst am 13.03.2017"

Entry API - Voiding the barcode

To do an actual entry and possibly void the barcode an PUT needs to be sent.


curl -XPUT -H "Authorization: Bearer meowmeowmeow" ""

This will return the same responses as the Status API above. HTTP 200 OK for success and HTTP 422 Unprocessable Entity in case of error.

The barcode will be voided in the process.

In practice it is common to call the Status API first and then void the barcode.

Entry API - Scans

This API is for tracking entry.

Showing the scan event


Updating the scan event


curl ""
    -XPUT --data "scan[people_count]=3"
    -H "Authorization: Bearer meowmeowmeow"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "scan": {
    "id": 3,
    "barcode": "111yxqgyxGWWVmXEg",
    "entry_at": "2019-09-03T12:55:53+02:00",
    "position": null,
    "device": "3",
    "people_count": 3,
    "is_valid": true,
    "is_entry": true,
    "updated_at": "2019-09-03T21:53:20+02:00",
    "created_at": "2019-09-03T12:55:53+02:00"


The JSON response contains a serialized scan event.

Entry API - Config

This API provides a basic configuration of a scanner devise with colors and texts for each entry zone.

Showing a configuration of a scanner devise


Required parameters:

curl ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "config": {
    "id": "RW50cnlab25lLTAyUmhtWP==",
    "name": "B7D",
    "settings": {
      "primary_color": "#1AB394",
      "headline": "go~mus",
      "background_color": "#F5F5F5",
      "background_color_valid": "#1CAC26",
      "background_color_warning": "#F8C81C",
      "default_panel_color": "#FFFFFF",
      "warning_panel_color": "#AE0015",
      "warning_text_color": "#FFFFFF",
      "text_color": "#4A4A4A",
      "button_default_color": "#4A4A4A",
      "button_default_filling": "#F5F5F5",
      "button_info_color": "#00608",
      "button_info_filling": "#F5F5F5",
      "button_warning_color": "#AE0015",
      "button_warning_filling": "#F5F5F5"


The JSON response contains a basic config of a scanner devise depending on the provided entry zone.

Note: The color codes of settings should be wrapped with quotes (“”)

Exit API - Tracking exits

This API is for tracking exits


curl -XPUT -H "Authorization: Bearer meowmeowmeow" ""

This will return responses in the same structure as the Status API above. HTTP 200 OK for success and HTTP 422 Unprocessable Entity in case of error.

Additional Parameters

The following parameters can be used to set additional infos:

You can transmit these parameters in the URL. For example:

Best practices


When using turnstiles it is best practice to only void the barcode if the visitor actually goes through. In some cases the visitor may scan his ticket barcode but then not walk through. He should be able to re-scan his ticket barcode and then walk through.


The go~mus API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
401 Unauthorized – Your API key is wrong
403 Forbidden – The API endpoint requested is for administrators only
404 Not Found – The specified record could not be found
405 Method Not Allowed – You tried to access an API endpoint with an invalid method
422 Unprocessable Entity – The data you have passed cannot be processed
429 Too Many Requests – You’re requesting too much! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable – We’re temporarially offline for maintanance. Please try again later.